Dr. David Speck


Postdoctoral Researcher

University of Basel

Spiegelgasse 1

4051 Basel, Switzerland

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Basel, Switzerland. My primary research interest is in the field of artificial intelligence, with a focus on automated planning, i.e., the problem of finding a course of action that allows an intelligent agent to move from any situation it finds itself in to one that satisfies its goals.

Short Bio

I completed my bachelor’s degree in 2015 and my master’s degree in 2018 in computer science at the University of Freiburg. From April 2018 to May 2022, I was a scientific employee at the University of Freiburg, Germany, at the Chair of Foundations of Artificial Intelligence of Prof. Dr. Bernhard Nebel and received my PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in February 2022. From June 2022 to May 2024 I was part of the Machine Reasoning Lab as a postdoctoral researcher at Linköping University, Sweden. Since June 2024, I have been part of the Artificial Intelligence research group team at University of Basel, Switzerland.


May 3, 2024 I won the ICAPS Best Dissertation Award at the Thirty-Fourth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2024) for my dissertation Symbolic Search for Optimal Planning with Expressive Extensions 🎉.
Apr 30, 2024 Together with my colleague Daniel Gnad, I received the Best Paper Award at ICAPS 2024 for our paper Decoupled Search for the Masses: A Novel Task Transformation for Classical Planning 🎉.
Feb 15, 2024 Two papers I contributed to were accepted at ICAPS 2024.